A New Denture Service for East Kent
Dentures have been a taboo subject in the past for some people and so many people don't realise that nearly 1 in 5 adults have a need for dentures. If you are in the position to need dentures you will probably know that you can get them from your dentist although some have had their dentures made instead by a Clinical Dental Technician. There are a number practicing, some work with dentists and some work independently. A Clinical Dental Technician focuses on just the process of making and fitting dentures. A Clinical Dental Technician meets with patients and after agreeing a treatment plan, takes a mould from which to start constructing the denture. A Clinical Dental Technician then normally sees the patient four or five times in order to get a really good comfortable fit. There are a number of denture options and styles. Advances in denture technology and materials over the years have led to improved quality and fit. Having good quality and well fitted dentures is really important for people because it can understandably affect their confidence as well as their ability to eat.
East Kent has a new dedicated service for patients which concentrates on providing a Clinical Dental Technician service in the comfort of their own home. The service is based in Canterbury and professionals travel out to people’s homes to provide a discreet and quality service. The staff are police checked and qualified to provide the service in the patients home. James who works for Kent Dentures Ltd says “many people are happy seeing their dentist to get their denture fitted but some people have found themselves in a position where travel can be difficult or inconvenient. Some just wish to receive a quality service at home instead. We can help by offering free consultations and free written quotations.” If you have any questions you can call James for advice on 01227 469813 or visit www.kentdentures.co.uk.