From July 2014 Kent Dentures is been sponsoring KCHA. Care both in the community and within residential care is at a cross roads at present. Serious discussions are taking place both locally and on a national level as to how we can finance care as a society. This may mean difficult decisions will have to be made, and care homes will want to evidence their place and value within society. We hope that supporting the association over the coming years will help care homes to make this argument out successfully as a group.
Another way we are helping care homes out is by providing a free care home service to them, which includes free training for staff and service users, as well as free denture naming service (to reduce cross infection issues), as well as provide free consultations to service users. The service will help to evidence good care practice within the home by providing evidence for a number of outcomes (as defined by the essential standards that CQC uses to assess care) from infection control to meeting nutritional needs. For more information on our care home service, see the July 2014 Newsletter available from
If you would like us to visit your home to discuss how this may work please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with which home or homes you manage and when would be a suitable time to visit.